How to achieve the perfect summer routine for “bored” kids and parents

How to achieve the perfect summer routine for “bored” kids and parents

Kids build memories during the summer. It's the thing that kids look back at vacations, day trips, picnics and other outings. But they also remember the part when they bored at home. As parents, we want to help them make every day in the summer, a memorable one. Here are some ideas for an enjoyable summer for your kids that they can either do on their own or with you.

Let us fill those long summer days spent at home, make it an enjoyable summer for not only your kids, but also for yourself.

Kids cooped up inside the hose only get rowdier and rowdier in time, spending a little outdoor time with them can allow them to blow some steam and then a short nap later on. Take on some art projects, you can set up an arts space outside, at it tends to get a bit messy. Essentials: Paper, coloring bookings, glue, scissors, colored pencils readily available.

You can also set up a picnic type area where there could be bean bags, or mats where they can read a book, a magazine or even comics outside, prepare some afternoon snacks and enjoy the quiet time with the kids under the sun. In the same way, you can set up a play area in the backyard as well with a box full of toys they can easily access for some outside play. Even at days, make a schedule where they can "Make their own Toy", you can even try some sidewalk chalk activities! There are endless list of fun summer activities for your kids, depending on what they favor, if you have the chance, sit down with them and ask them what they want to do this summer break.

When it's too hot to stay outside, some old fashioned boardgames, puzzles and card games can keep your kids busy. At times when you still have work to do and the kids are restless, try having them listen to audiobooks or even podcasts. For some kids, they enjoy this far more than reading a book, same process to make them learn to love literature, and will definitely keep them engaged for hours. Pretty easy to download on a phone or a iPad. Teaches them that their gadgets are just not for playing or watching, it's also for learning.

Escape the inevitable complaints from your kids that they are bored, be prepared this summer, you can look at local community center for family activities available in your area that your kids can attend and be a part of.

Your child can write, read and play this summer, let them be creative and let them have fun!

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